
dedicated towards Grand Lange 1 Watches honoring achievements

It has been dedicated towards Grand Lange 1 Watches honoring achievements and serving as a guardian for the sport since its inception in 1917.Rolex too has lent its invaluable support to various sports competitions and events over the past 30 years in order to reward human excellence.Rolex has been upholding its cause of pursuing excellence not only by manufacturing the most exquisite luxury watches but also by supporting events wherein sportspersons get the opportunity to display their brilliance.Rolex has supported a varied spectrum of sports which range from golf to sports car racing and sailing.Rolex also promotes a unique program which is aimed at bringing forth the tradition of a mentor and protégé way of learning.The Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative provides a brilliant platform to young and aspiring artists to be able to spend quality time Grand Lange 1 Watches with masters of their field.The program is an endeavor from Rolex to preserve and pass on the cultural heritage of the world to future generations.Rolex not only provides a platform for sportspersons to compete and excel but also rewards the winners appropriately.All the events and competitions sponsored by Rolex are ensured to be fan-friendly.Rolex has not only created history in the world of watch but also changed the way sports competitions are held the world over.

The Rolex/USEF Show Jumping Ranking List has been topped by McLain Ward.McLain Ward has continued to top the rankings with a total of 5994 points.The Rolex/USEF Show Jumping Ranking List is based on the finishes by riders in Grand Prix events worth $25,000 or more.The current list has ranked around 377 riders of which McLain Ward tops the list again.To begin the year by topping the Rolex/USEF Show Jumping Rankings is quite a feat by McLain Ward.This list includes the performance by riders at the Grand Lange 1 Watches London World Cup Qualifier as well as the Olympia London Grand Prix which were held in London.As of December 1st McLain Ward of Brewster, New York had accumulated $1,111,163.63 as prize money.Taking the second position on the rankings was Lauren Hough who has accumulated 5244 points along with $188,133.20 as prize money.There have been no changes in the first, second and third position since the last rankings released on 25th of December.Clinging firmly to the third position is Richard Spooner of California with a total of 3909 points and $567,997.30 as prize money.Richard Fellers of Sherwood, Oregon has jumped two points since last week and is now on the fourth position with a total of 3129 points.Mario Deslauriers of New York Grand Lange 1 Watches slipped from the fourth position to the fifth as his points only totaled up to 2872.Ashlee Bond of California too was pushed to the fifth position to give way to Richard Fellers.Margie Engle, Hillary Dobbs, Kent Farrington and Charlie Jayne stuck to their last week positions of number 7, 8, 9 and 10 respectively.Rolex has been an event sponsor for USEF events.USEF or the United States Equestrian Federation is the National Governing Body for equestrian sport.

